Likewise with language learning. As known, the mastery of foreign languages is now one of the keys to success in life. Therefore, in this digital age, the majority of the tutorials use technology products made in a foreign language (English). So, those who master the English language have a greater opportunity to be able to master the technology products.
In addition, the digital era is also characterized by ease of access to information from various sources and the opportunity to build a career in a variety of countries, especially freelance career. To gain access to valuable information foreign language course, one must master the language. Likewise, when someone wants a career abroad or become self-employed by taking a job from abroad, he was obliged to master the language of the country where he would take the job.
As with all types of learning, language learning will provide optimal results if started early and immediately put it into practice. That is why, today many excellent schools in the delivery of the subject matter that made use of two languages, Indonesian and English. So, in addition to studying the subject matter, the students also learn foreign languages as well.
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