Thursday 27 June 2013


Computer technology in this day and age is already so advanced. Computers are often used to facilitate human work in order to get it over with. Can not be denied, that the computer is already a matter of public importance on this earth. Here I will discuss a bit about the role of computer technology, especially in the field of education.

I'm here to directly address the role or benefits of computer technology in education that include e-learning. As we know that the concept should be applied at the present time is to be developed in order to avoid saturation in the learning process. Nowadays e-learning is the solution. E-learning is a learning system that uses computer technology and the Internet. E-learning is an acronym of the Elektronic Learning, a new way of teaching and learning that uses electronic media especially the internet as a learning system. E-learning is a basic and logical consequence of the development of information and communication technology.
E learning benefits include:
1. It's easier to get the material or info
If we use a learning system based on e-learning, we will be much easier to find and obtain material or information. Just type in what we are looking for, wait a minute, we can direct the material.

2. Can get more material
We can get a lot of material, not only from within the country, even we can find materials from overseas which would add insight for us and also to improve the results of our study.

3. Learning is more effective and efficient time and labor
If there is a task, we can find the ingredients we need quickly. Should not thither to get the materials we need. Just sit in front of a computer or laptop, then look for what we need. After that, stacking task and finish.

4. Can interact directly with anyone
A student could have asked his friend what material is taught today or what a given task, if that day he could not leave for a reason. He can also ask directly what the professor had taught the material or what tasks it provides. In the interaction, he can use the medium of writing. He typed what to talk about or ask then sent to the addressee. He can also interact directly, can be face to face and talk directly with the person to talk to. Due to advances in technology, now it could happen with a tool called a webcam.

5. Can know the material or assignments early
Students can view the schedule or assignments given by lecturers who are already uploaded. So, the students already know what will be done today and can prepare early.


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